Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nature Study Goals for 2013

I really like Barb's idea to have goals for this years Nature Study. I feel a little overwhelmed with all my options since we are living in a new area with countless things to explore. I know we will do spontaneous Nature Study as we go along, but I also want to be purposeful. I am going to follow in Barb's footsteps and make a few goals for this year.

Our Nature Study Goals for 2013

1. Visit Rocky Mountain National Park in each season.
2. Learn about our local conifers.
3. Learn 5 new birds and draw them in our nature journals.
4. Observe a moose (from a safe distance!) and draw it in our journals.
5. Go on a rock hunt once the snow is melted.
6. Learn 3 new wildflowers and draw them in our journals.

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