Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rock Study- Outdoor Hour Challenge

We have at least a foot of snow on the ground so we weren't able to go for a rock walk. But having four boys we have a substanial rock collection. So the boys loved hauling out treasure chests of rocks. We mainly sorted the rocks and enjoyed handling and admiring them. I have never been that interested in rocks, but after doing some reading and especially after looking through the January newsletter, I was inspired. I am really looking forward to taking a rock walk when the snow is gone. Also, I found a website that told where to look for rocks in our area. We also checked out Rocks, Rocks, Rocks. My youngest two really liked this book and were excited when we found that we had an igneous rock in our collection that looked just like the one in the book. So, even though we weren't able to get out to look for rocks this challenge has inspired us and we will certainly be coming back to this in the days ahead.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Love hearing how the rock theme inspired you to want to learn a bit more about rocks with your children. Sometimes when we take a minute to focus, we find something that sparks an interest.

Great job making this study work in your family. :)