Friday, March 30, 2007

Biblical Womanhood and the Pharisees?

Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Jesus said that the Pharisees tied up heavy burdens and placed them on men’s backs and didn’t lift a finger to help them. Jesus had some very harsh words for them. The reason is because they were hypocrites. They cleaned up their appearance, but their hearts were still wicked. We see in Romans that the purpose of the law was to teach us what is right and it was to be like a school master leading us to Christ. It is to help us see that we are in desperate need of a Savior.

The above warning is precisely why I do not commend the book, Created to be His Help-Meet, by Debi Pearl. Mrs. Pearl takes the beautiful passages on womanhood and turns them into the measuring stick. It may not have been her intent, but the book sets her up as the perfect model that all should bow down before. Ladies we must never bow before other women’s design for woman even if they are using Scripture. We must only bow before Christ.

When I began the book my initial response was gratitude that someone was proclaiming the truths of Scripture so boldly. Yet it did not take long before I began to feel something was wrong. Biblical Womanhood is not complete unless the whole of Scripture is taken into account. Mrs. Pearl seems as though she has only read a few passages that pertain to women specifically when in reality there are numerous passages that are also addressed to women and men alike. The first one that I would encourage Mrs. Pearl to look at would be Ephesians 4:29-30, which reads as follows,

29Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

God’s will for men and women is that they be conformed to the likeness of Christ, and the Scripture does not record Jesus calling women "hussies," "ugly," "stupid,"etc. The people who he had the strongest words for were people like the Pharisees, who neither showed grace nor mercy. We must remember that being a Titus 2 woman does not make us acceptable to God. Christ alone makes us acceptable.

The womanhood passages in the bible are beautiful passages to me, and I am grieved when women take such beautiful instructions and turn them into a rod used to crush women. I believe as women we should hold fast to these passages. We should memorize them and never stray from them, but we should bear with the weak, especially those who are humble and desiring to change.

Is it possible to be saying the right things, but the way in which we say it makes it wrong or even sinful? Yes, I believe when we speak without grace and humility we are denying Christ. As Christian women we must seek to speak the truth in a way that does not destroy. The Bible calls it speaking the truth in love. Gentleness would be another word that is commonly associated with the way believers are to treat others. The apostle Peter says that our gentleness and respect gives unbelievers no room to speak maliciously about us. I would say it is impossible for us to teach Biblical womanhood with harsh demeaning words and be right. For if we teach womanhood without the spirit of Christ our words have betrayed the reality of our hearts.

So, what happens to us as women if we measure up in our Titus 2 lists, but fail to be changed on the inside. I believe when our outward lives gain us the approval of men, but our hearts are unchanged we end up like the Pharisees, we have received our reward- the approval of man. Let us set our eyes on things above, the eternal things, and let us pursue the reward that comes from God- not man.

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.


Melissa said...

Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your thoughts on this book. I have just started it and have heard both good and bad things about it. It should be an interesting read!

One of the Callarmans said...

Hi Melissa,

I did notice you had it on your list. I just read it last year and it is amazing how many times since then I have ran into people talking about it! I do think there are some principles in the book that are true and definitely the Scripture she uses. The primary negative aspect for me was her attitude. I also think that she paints men in a not very respectful manner. Some books that you may be interested in are by author Nancy Wilson. She wrote one specifically about respecting your husband. She also writes articles in credenda magazine that you can read online. Here's the link: